Arts and Humanities

CARARE metadata schema Edit

An application profile of the MIDAS Heritage standard intended for delivering metadata to the CARARE service environment about an organisation’s online collections, monument inventory database and digital objects.


ISA-TAB Nano Edit

An extension of ISA-TAB specifying the format for representing and sharing information about nanomaterials, small molecules and biological specimens along with their assay characterization data.

Life Sciences


An extension of the ABCD standard for DNA data.

Apple Core Edit

Darwin Core documentation and recommendations for herbaria.

Darwin Core Geospatial Extension Edit

A protocol-independent XML schema for a geospatial extension to the Darwin Core.

DwC Germplasm Edit

An extension to the Darwin Core standard, it includes additional terms required to describe plant genetic resources and in particular germplasm seed samples.

EDMED Metadata Profile Edit

The European Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets metadata scheme, which is a profile of ISO 19115.

FGDC/CSDGM Biological Data Profile Edit

A profile of the FGDC/CSDGM metadata standard, intended to support the collection and processing of biological data.

GBIF Metadata Profile Edit

Established by a global network of countries and organizations, GBIF is a web portal promoting and facilitating the mobilization, access, discovery and use of biodiversity data. The portal uses a profile of EML; a How-to Guide and Reference Guide for using the profile are available.

HISPID - Herbarium Information Standards and Protocols for Interchange of Data Edit

An extension to ABCD 2.06, it is designed to allow the storage and transmission of herbarium plant specimen data.

ISA-TAB Nano Edit

An extension of ISA-TAB specifying the format for representing and sharing information about nanomaterials, small molecules and biological specimens along with their assay characterization data.

isaconfig-diXa Edit
MIBBI Portal Edit

A list of nearly 40 Minimum Information standards projects registered with the MIBBI initiative.

OME-TIFF - Open Microscopy Environment TIFF Edit

A specification of how to embed OME-XML metadata within a TIFF or BigTIFF image file.


An ISA-Tab-based standard for reporting the results of single nucleotide resolution nucleic acid structure mapping experiments.

VarioML Edit

Physical Sciences & Mathematics

ABCDEFG - Access to Biological Collection Databases Extended for Geosciences Edit

An extension of the ABCD standard for Geosciences data.

AGRIS Application Profile Edit

A metadata standard drawing on Dublin Core and AgMES created specifically to enhance the description, exchange and subsequent retrieval of agricultural Document-Like Information Objects.

ANZLIC Metadata Profile Edit

A profile of ISO 19115, also mapping to the AGLS profile of Dublin Core, designed to facilitate efficient access to descriptions of information resources, particularly geographic or spatial data.

Cruise Summary Reports Edit

The National Oceanographic Data Centre's required format for reporting on cruises or field experiments at sea, formulated using tags from the ISO19115 metadata standard.

CSDGM Extensions for Remote Sensing Metadata Edit

An extension to the FGDC/CSDGM metadata standard providing a common terminology and set of definitions for documenting geospatial data obtained by remote sensing.

Darwin Core Geospatial Extension Edit

A protocol-independent XML schema for a geospatial extension to the Darwin Core.

eBank UK Metadata Application Profile Edit

A Dublin Core Metadata Application Profile created for the eBank UK project, which provides access to the detailed results of scientific experiments in crystallography.

EDMED Metadata Profile Edit

The European Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets metadata scheme, which is a profile of ISO 19115.

FITS World Coordinate System (WCS) Edit

An extension of FITS that enables data to be defined to specify physical, or world coordinates within each pixel in an image. The conventions were orignally proposed in 2002 then incorporated into the 3.0 release of the FITS standard.

IMPEx Data Model Edit

A simulation extention to the SPASE data model.

INSPIRE Metadata Regulation Edit

A profile of ISO 19115:2003, adopted in 2007 as the common metadata standard for the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). The other profiles of ISO 19115 in use in European Member States have been made compliant with INSPIRE.

ISO 19115-2 - Imagery and gridded data Edit

An extension of ISO 19115 defining the schema required for describing imagery and gridded data.

ISO 19115 North American Profile Edit

A common profile of ISO19115:2003 between the United States and Canada, designed to enhance interoperability of geographic information metadata in North America.

Marine Community Profile Edit

A profile developed in accordance with ISO 19115 rules by the Australian Ocean Data Centre that supports the documentation and discovery of marine spatial datasets.

Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory Edit

Defines metadata terms and concepts necessary for discovery and use of astronomical data collections and services.

The extension is based on Dublin Core, but with astronomy-specific extensions. Resource Metadata are collected in resource "registries" that are populated and synchronized using the OAI-PMH (Protocol for Metadata Handling). Version 1.12, March 2007. Developed and maintained by IVOA Resource Registry Working Group and NVO Metadata Working Group

Shoreline Metadata Profile Edit

Providing the format and content for describing data sets related to shoreline and other coastal data sets, this profile complies with the FGDC/CSDGM standard.

TIDCC - Towards an International Data Commons for Crystallography Edit

A profile of the CSMD model for Australian crystallographic data.

UK AGMAP - Academic Geospatial Metadata Application Profile Edit

A profile of ISO 19115 designed to support the documentation and discovery of spatial datasets, dataset series and geo services within Higher and Further Education.

UK Gemini Edit

A specification for a set of metadata elements describing geospatial data resources for discovery purposes, based on ISO 19115.

USGIN ISO profile Edit
WaterML Edit
WMO Core Metadata Profile Edit

The World Meteorological Organisation, WMO, has defined a restrictive subset of ISO19115 appropriate for global meteorogical use.

Social and Behavioral Sciences

CARARE metadata schema Edit

An application profile of the MIDAS Heritage standard intended for delivering metadata to the CARARE service environment about an organisation’s online collections, monument inventory database and digital objects.

CESSDA MLI - Council of European Social Science Data Archives Minimum Level of Information Edit

A common base profile of DDI for use by the member archives of CESSDA.

GESMES/TS - GEneric Statistical MESsage for Time Series Edit

An extension of SDMX used to exchange statistical data and metadata.

General Research Data

AGLS Metadata Profile Edit

An application of Dublin Core designed to improve visibility and availability of online resources, originally adapted from the Australian Government Locator Service metadata standard for use in government agencies.

Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) Edit

Used to describe semantic assets, defined as highly reusable metadata (for example: XML schemata, generic data models) and reference data (for example: code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries, vocabularies) that are used for eGovernment system development.

Dryad Metadata Application Profile Edit

An application profile based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Abstract Model, used to describe multi-disciplinary data underlying peer-reviewed scientific and medical literature.

GSIM - Generic Statistical Information Model Edit

A reference framework that provides a common terminology acroos and between statistical organisations; aligns with DDI and SDMX.