
Standards Add

FGDC/CSDGM - Federal Geographic Data Committee Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata Edit

A widely-used, but no longer current standard defining the information content for a set of digital geospatial data required by the US Federal Government.

CSDGM was sponsored by the US Federal Geographic Data Committee.  However, in September 2010 the FGDC endorsed ISO 19115 and began encouraging federal agencies to transition to ISO metadata.

ISO 19115 Edit

An internationally-adopted schema for describing geographic information and services. It provides information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal schema, spatial reference, and distribution of digital geographic data.

Sponsored by the International Standards Organisation, ISO 19115:2003 was last reviewed in February 2009.

Extensions Add

ANZLIC Metadata Profile Edit

A profile of ISO 19115, also mapping to the AGLS profile of Dublin Core, designed to facilitate efficient access to descriptions of information resources, particularly geographic or spatial data.

INSPIRE Metadata Regulation Edit

A profile of ISO 19115:2003, adopted in 2007 as the common metadata standard for the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). The other profiles of ISO 19115 in use in European Member States have been made compliant with INSPIRE.

ISO 19115-2 - Imagery and gridded data Edit

An extension of ISO 19115 defining the schema required for describing imagery and gridded data.

ISO 19115 North American Profile Edit

A common profile of ISO19115:2003 between the United States and Canada, designed to enhance interoperability of geographic information metadata in North America.

UK AGMAP - Academic Geospatial Metadata Application Profile Edit

A profile of ISO 19115 designed to support the documentation and discovery of spatial datasets, dataset series and geo services within Higher and Further Education.

UK Gemini Edit

A specification for a set of metadata elements describing geospatial data resources for discovery purposes, based on ISO 19115.

Tools Add

ANZ-MEST - Metadata Entry and Search Tool Edit

A GeoNetwork web application for metadata management and searching, with profiles available for two extensions of ISO 19115: ANZLIC and the Marine Community Profile.


The FGDC website's list of tools to implement the CSDGM standard.

Geodoc Metadata Editor Edit

The Geodoc metadata editor tool allows users to create, validate, edit and export geospatial metadata records. It also supports the creation and export of metadata records as XML output files compliant with a number of standards, including UK AGMAP 2.1, ISO 19115, FGDC, DDI, and Dublin Core.

M3Cat Edit

A tool for the creation and cataloguing of geospatial metadata, including CSDGM and ISO 19115.

WiscLINC Metadata Tools Review Edit

The Wisconsin Land INformation Clearinghouse review of metadata tools used for documenting geospatial data and serving geospatial metadata. It includes tools for CSDGM, ISO 19115, Dublin Core, and DIF.

Use Cases Add

BAS PDC - British Antarctic Survey Polar Data Centre Edit

An organisation coordinating the management of data collected by UK-funded scientists in the polar regions, using an application profile that is harmonious with both ISO 19115 and DIF.

BGS NGDC - British Geological Survey National Geoscience Data Centre Edit

The world's oldest national geological survey and the United Kingdom's premier centre for earth science information and expertise, with information access via an ISO 19115-compliant discovery metadata database.

Discovery Metadata Service Edit

A geospatial data network requiring that metadata for datasets, data series and online services are published to the UK Gemini v2.1 metadata standard, itself an extension of ISO 19115.

GoGeo Portal Edit

The GoGeo Portal enables users to discover geospatial information and services for education and research. It uses UK Agmap, a profile based on ISO 19115, for its metadata records.

GRIIDC - The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative Edit

GRIIDC supports the ISO 19115-2 [properly labeled as ISO 19115-2:2009] and published a simplified and easy to use ISO 19115-2.

INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe Edit