The Common European Research Information Format is the standard that the EU recommends to its member states for recording information about research activity. Since version 1.6 it has included specific support for recording metadata for datasets.
A set of mandatory metadata that must be registered with the DataCite Metadata Store when minting a DOI persistent identifier for a dataset. The domain-agnostic properties were chosen for their ability to aid in accurate and consistent identification of data for citation and retrieval purposes.
Sponsored by the DataCite consortium, version 3.0 was recently released in 2013.
A basic, domain-agnostic standard which can be easily understood and implemented, and as such is one of the best known and most widely used metadata standards.
Sponsored by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, Dublin Core was published as ISO Standard 15836 in February 2009.
The goal of these standards is to expose the rich content in aggregations of Web resources to applications that support authoring, deposit, exchange, visualization, reuse, and preservation. The standards support the changing nature of scholarship and scholarly communication, and the need for cyberinfrastructure to support that scholarship, with the intent to develop standards that generalize across all web-based information including the increasing popular social networks of “Web 2.0”.
Some repositories have decided that current standards do not fit their metadata needs, and so have created their own requirements.
An application of Dublin Core designed to improve visibility and availability of online resources, originally adapted from the Australian Government Locator Service metadata standard for use in government agencies.
An application profile based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Abstract Model, used to describe multi-disciplinary data underlying peer-reviewed scientific and medical literature.
Current research information system implementing the CERIF standard. Originally developed by Avedas but now a product of Thomson Reuters.
RESTFUL API for registering datasets with the DataCite organization. The interface uses the DataCite Metadata Schema.
The DCMI Tools Community list of tools and software implementing Dublin Core.
Current research information system developed by Elsevier that implements the CERIF standard.
Geoportal Server is a standards-based, open source product that enables discovery and use of geospatial resources including data and services.
Current research information system implementing the CERIF standard.
A multidisciplinary data repository for a consortium of universities in the Netherlands, using a metadata structure based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
An online digital repository of multi-disciplinary research datasets produced at the University of Edinburgh, using a modified Dublin Core metadata catalogue.
The University of Southampton's multi-disciplinary Institutional Research Repository, using a profile of Dublin Core and administrative ePrints metadata.
An online portal for education and research on learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, using a profile of the Dublin Core Metadata Elements for resource and collections metadata.