Arts and Humanities

FISH Interoperability Toolkit Edit

A suite of tools using the MIDAS Heritage metadata standard to facilitate the process of moving information between the wide variety of information systems used to record the historic environment.


CIF2Cell Edit

A tool to generate the geometrical setup for various electronic structure codes from a CIF file.

ICATLite Edit

A sister project of ICAT, consisting of a suite of CSMD-based software tools designed to support derived data management in the scientific research process.

IUCr checkCIF Edit

A tool used to check the integrity and cosistency of crystal structure encodings in CIF format.

Software for CIF Edit

The International Union of Crystallography's list of programs and libraries available for use with CIF files.

Life Sciences

Bio-Formats Edit

Bio-Formats reads proprietary microscopy image data and metadata, and converts them to OME-TIFF, a combination of TIFF and OME-XML.

Darwin Core Archive Assistant Edit

A web application that offers data publishers wishing to serve to the GBIF network an easy interface for describing data elements as basic text files, composing an appropriate XML Darwin Core descriptor file to accompany them.

Darwin Core Archive Validator Edit

A tool to validate XML metadata against the Darwin Core Text Guidelines.

Fiji Edit

Fiji is an image processing package that supports the OME data model for images

Integrated Publishing Toolkit Edit

A software platform using Darwin Core and EML to facilitate the efficient publishing of biodiversity data on the Internet, using the GBIF network.

ISA Software Suite Edit

The open source ISA metadata tracking tools facilitate ISA-TAB-compliant collection, curation, local management and reuse of datasets in an increasingly diverse set of life science domains.

Metacat Edit

Metacat is a repository for data and metadata that helps scientists find, understand, and effectively use the data sets they manage or that have been created by others.


A software generator to rapidly build web databases and a suite of web databases for genotype, phenotype, QTL and analysis pipelines.

Morpho Edit

An application for accessing and manipulating metadata and data (both locally and on the network), with wizards creating metadata files using a subset of Ecological Metadata Language (EML).


Repository software for organising, viewing, analysing and sharing biological microscopy images. It supports proprietary file formats but normalises to OME-TIFF/OME-XML.

PATRIC Download Tool Edit

Tool for downloading data from PATRIC.

PDBx/mmCIF Software Resources Edit
Parsing, validation, and visualization tools and libraries supporting PDBx/mmCIF, the data standard used by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank.
ProteoRed Tools Edit

Bioinformatics tools to create and extract metadata compliant with the MIBBI-registered MIAPE minimum requirements.

UKEOF Monitoring Catalogue Edit

The UKEOF Catalogue contains over 2000 metadata records of environmental observations undertaken and funded by public and third sector organisations.

The Catalogue provides a unique management tool to underpin the activities and requirements of the environmental observation community. It provides a strong basis for strategic planning, giving a holistic overview of environmental observations as well as a place to discover who is doing what, where, why and when.

Physical Sciences & Mathematics

AgriMetamaker Edit

A service to facilitate the publication of metadata in the AGRIS Repository; it conforms to the the AGRIS Application Profile, which draws from the Dublin Core and AgMES standards.

ANZ-MEST - Metadata Entry and Search Tool Edit

A GeoNetwork web application for metadata management and searching, with profiles available for two extensions of ISO 19115: ANZLIC and the Marine Community Profile.

AVM Adobe Metadata Panels Edit

A set of metadata panels that can be added to Adobe Creative Suite 4 applications to allow AVM-compliant metadata to be entered directly into images.

AVM Web Tool Edit

A web-based tool for assembling an AVM-compliant XMP packet for insertion into an image file.

CF Compliance Checker Edit

A utility that checks netCDF files for CF-compliance.

CIF2Cell Edit

A tool to generate the geometrical setup for various electronic structure codes from a CIF file.

CIM Comparator Tool Edit

The CIM Comparator is a web-based tool for comparing and contrasting CIM metadata records currently stored in the CIM archive. It allows users to compare scientific properties across models and their components. Currently the Comparator is limited to the comparison of CMIP5 metadata. The results of the comparison are available in HTML or exportable CSV.

CIM Questionnaire Generator Edit

The CIM Questionnaire generates a customizable web-based questionnaire based on the CIM schema.

CIM Viewer Tool Edit

The CIM Viewer is a light-weight JavaScript platform independent API that other software stacks can use to display CIM metadata.

CMOR - Climate Model Output Rewriter Edit

A set of C-based functions, with bindings to both Python and FORTRAN 90, that can be used to produce CF-compliant netCDF files.


The FGDC website's list of tools to implement the CSDGM standard.

FITS Image Software Packages Edit
GAVO DaCHS - Data Center Helper Suite Edit

The software that underlies the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO), packaged so that it can be used to set up other Virtual Observatory-compliant data centres.

Geodoc Metadata Editor Edit

The Geodoc metadata editor tool allows users to create, validate, edit and export geospatial metadata records. It also supports the creation and export of metadata records as XML output files compliant with a number of standards, including UK AGMAP 2.1, ISO 19115, FGDC, DDI, and Dublin Core.


A metadata storage service that implements CSMD Version 2.5 to record information about physical science experiments.

ICATLite Edit

A sister project of ICAT, consisting of a suite of CSMD-based software tools designed to support derived data management in the scientific research process.

IUCr checkCIF Edit

A tool used to check the integrity and cosistency of crystal structure encodings in CIF format.

M3Cat Edit

A tool for the creation and cataloguing of geospatial metadata, including CSDGM and ISO 19115.

ncISO Edit

A package of tools that facilitates the generation of ISO 19115-2 metadata from NetCDF data sources.

NetCDF Edit

A set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that conform to the CF metadata conventions. They support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.

PDBx/mmCIF Software Resources Edit
Parsing, validation, and visualization tools and libraries supporting PDBx/mmCIF, the data standard used by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank.
PIMMS - Portable Infrastructure for the Metafor Metadata System Edit

A methodology and toolset for documenting climatology simulation experiments using the Metafor CIM.

Saada Edit

A tool for publishing astronomical data files as online databases suitable for integration into the international Virtual Observatory.

SDAC Tools Edit

A set of four tools for working with SDAC-compliant archives: acut can be used to edit text files in a columnar fashion; trcol removes or transforms columns from a text file; anafile verifies that data files conform to their description; tofits converts SDAC tables to FITS tables.

SeaDataNet Software Edit

A suite of tools designed by SeaDataNet to facilitate the creation, editing, and conversion of ocean and marine data and metadata. Particular tools are available for preparing ISO 19115-conformant XML metadata files for the SeaDataNet directories.

Software for CIF Edit

The International Union of Crystallography's list of programs and libraries available for use with CIF files.

SOS - Sensor Observation Service Edit

This tool uses the Observations and Measurements standard to define a Web service interface which allows querying observations, sensor metadata, as well as representations of observed features.

SPASE Metadata Editor Edit

A web-based editor for generating SPASE descriptions.

SPASE Tools Edit

The SPASE website's list of tools for working with SPASE metadata and the SPASE framework.

UKEOF Monitoring Catalogue Edit

The UKEOF Catalogue contains over 2000 metadata records of environmental observations undertaken and funded by public and third sector organisations.

The Catalogue provides a unique management tool to underpin the activities and requirements of the environmental observation community. It provides a strong basis for strategic planning, giving a holistic overview of environmental observations as well as a place to discover who is doing what, where, why and when.

WiscLINC Metadata Tools Review Edit

The Wisconsin Land INformation Clearinghouse review of metadata tools used for documenting geospatial data and serving geospatial metadata. It includes tools for CSDGM, ISO 19115, Dublin Core, and DIF.

Social and Behavioral Sciences

DDI Tools Edit

The Data Documentaion Initiative website's list of tools to implement the DDI standard.

DDI on Rails Edit

Server-side software for building a data portal, with a particular focus on survey datasets. It uses DDI to provide access to the data at the level of concepts and variables. For an example of it in use, see the SOEPinfo data portal.

FISH Interoperability Toolkit Edit

A suite of tools using the MIDAS Heritage metadata standard to facilitate the process of moving information between the wide variety of information systems used to record the historic environment.

Istat SDMX Framework Project Edit

A suite of tools for managing data and metadata in SDMX.

SDMX Editor Edit

A simple tool for managing and accessing statistical metadata, using the SDMX framework.

SDMX Mapping Assistant Edit

A tool to facilitate the mapping between the structural metadata provided by an SDMX-ML Data Structure Definition and those that reside in a database of a dissemination environment.

SDMX Tool Repository Edit

A list of software tools supporting the SDMX standard.

General Research Data

Converis Edit

Current research information system implementing the CERIF standard. Originally developed by Avedas but now a product of Thomson Reuters.


Tool which utilizes the DCAT standard. CKAN is a powerful data management system that makes data accessible – by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data.

CKAN is aimed at data publishers (national and regional governments, companies and organizations) wanting to make their data open and available. Portals that use CKAN include and The United States uses a version of CKAN wrapped up as the Open Government Platform.

DataCite Metadata Store API Edit

RESTFUL API for registering datasets with the DataCite organization. The interface uses the DataCite Metadata Schema.

DCMI Tools and Software Edit

The DCMI Tools Community list of tools and software implementing Dublin Core.

DdiEditor Edit

DdiEditor is a DDI-Lifecycle Editing Framework developed by the DDA - Danish Data Archive.

Pure Edit

Current research information system developed by Elsevier that implements the CERIF standard.

Esri Geoportal Server Edit

Geoportal Server is a standards-based, open source product that enables discovery and use of geospatial resources including data and services.

Linked Data Cubes Explorer Edit

The Linked Data Cubes Explorer allows for the analysis of statistical datasets using the RDF Cube Vocabulary.

SOS - Sensor Observation Service Edit

This tool uses the Observations and Measurements standard to define a Web service interface which allows querying observations, sensor metadata, as well as representations of observed features.

Symplectic Elements Edit

Current research information system implementing the CERIF standard.