MIBBI - Minimum Information for Biological and Biomedical Investigations

A common portal to a group of nearly 40 checklists of Minimum Information for various biological disciplines. The MIBBI Foundry is developing a cross-analysis of these guidelines to create an intercompatible, extensible community of standards.

The concept was realized initially through the joint efforts of the Proteomics Standards Initiative, the Genomic Standards Consortium and the MGED RSBI Working Groups. The latest project to register with MIBBI is the MIABie guidelines for reporting biofilm research, as of January 2012.

Summary Edit

Standard Website
Related Vocabularies
Ontology for Biomedical Investigations
Life Sciences
Cell Biology
Environmental Science
Metabolic biochemistry

Extensions Add

MIBBI Portal Edit

A list of nearly 40 Minimum Information standards projects registered with the MIBBI initiative.

Tools Add

ProteoRed Tools Edit

Bioinformatics tools to create and extract metadata compliant with the MIBBI-registered MIAPE minimum requirements.

Use Cases Add

BioModels Database Edit

A repository hosting computational models of biological systems, using the MIBBI-registered MIRIAM and MIASE minimal metadata requirements.


A a virtual laboratory for neurophysiology, enabling sharing and collaborative exploitation of data, analysis, code and expertise. Metadata must include the MIBBI-registered MINI recommendations.

FlowRepository Edit

A database of flow cytometry experiments where you can query and download data collected and annotated according to the MIBBI-registered MIFlowCyt standard.

International Molecular Exchange Consortium Edit

An international collaboration to provide access to a non-redundant set of protein-protein interaction data from a broad taxonomic range of organisms. IMEx partner databases require data to be MIMIx (a MIBBI-registered standard) compatible.

NEBC ISA Network BioInvestigationIndex Edit

The NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre ISA Network's index of ISA-Tab and MIBBI-compliant environmental 'omics data.

PRIDE - PRoteomics IDEntifications database Edit

A centralized, MIBBI standards compliant, public data repository for proteomics data, post-translational modifications and supporting spectral evidence.