The Investigation/Study/Assay (ISA) tab-delimited (TAB) format is a general purpose framework with which to collect and communicate complex metadata (i.e. sample characteristics, technologies used, type of measurements made) from 'omics-based' experiments employing a combination of technologies.
Created by core developers from the University of Oxford, ISA-TAB v1.0 was released in November 2008.
Some repositories have decided that current standards do not fit their metadata needs, and so have created their own requirements.
Bioinformatics tools to create and extract metadata compliant with the MIBBI-registered MIAPE minimum requirements.
A repository-developed metadata schema for EST data in Genbank.
An international collaboration to provide access to a non-redundant set of protein-protein interaction data from a broad taxonomic range of organisms. IMEx partner databases require data to be MIMIx (a MIBBI-registered standard) compatible.
A network of systems and projects that use the ISA-Tab file format, and/or are powered by components of the ISA software suite.
A network of systems and projects that use the ISA-Tab file format, and/or are powered by components of the ISA software suite.
A database for metabolomics experiments and derived information in ISA-Tab format.
A centralized, MIBBI standards compliant, public data repository for proteomics data, post-translational modifications and supporting spectral evidence.